Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mallory Update

It's been two months, which means time for a new post. It takes that long for us to generate news in the family. :)

My big news: I stood 1 hour and 15 minutes in line to get a free pie, and it was worth it. Grand Traverse Pie Company gave away 1000+ free pies last Tuesday. I was thrilled when I got a peach one (you had to take what they gave you), since I don't like pumpkin. Anna stood in line with me. I asked her several times if she wanted to leave and get a pie later (seriously...for $14 or $15 I myself would've just come back), but she wanted to stay. She is determined, especially when it comes to food. Anyway, it was a really great pie. I'm glad I got one.

We got to babysit baby Sammy this week for the first time. He was great and we loved having him. It's so great to live near family...what a blessing.

This will come as a shock to those who know us: we did yardwork. Yes, amazing. We had to have a tree taken down. It was right by the side of our house, and in the big storm a few weeks back one of the huge limbs fell down and missed our house by, like, 6 inches. Our home teachers happened to be in our driveway saying a prayer when it fell. So we had to take the rest down, and to save money we decided to get rid of the tree ourselves. Thanks to some good friends and neighbors it is gone, mostly.

Two great positives came from this...actually three. One, our house isn't at risk for major (costly) damage. Two, being outside we interacted with our neighbors...finally...after 2 1/2 years of living here. Three, we got motivated and took down some other dead stuff, and are excited to get our yard in decent shape.

Okay, I lied. Four positives. The other great one was we had the kids outside all day last Saturday and some evenings, and they worked and played with us. It was really fun.

That concludes this update. I'll post some pictures of our tree later.


Julie Barb said...

I drove by Grand Travers last Tuesday and was wondering why all the people were lined up the mystery is explained:)

Carrie said...

I'm proud of you on so many levels. First, you were so persistant with the pie. WOW! Second, you played outside!!! WOW again. Third, you talked to your neighbors. Congrats to you on all accounts!

Oh, one more.... you had a post worthy of a comment from me, the one who never comments!

Kevin & Michelle said...

Hey Britt,

Glad to see you updated your blog...your good example as inspired me to update mine. Glad your tree did not hit your house you will have to make your H.T's some cookies or something for saying that prayer for you. Do some more yard work girl...o by the way we are expecting child #3
love shell boz